Join the Clan!

Join the Moondragons!

~:: The Dragoness leads you into a secret chamber. It has the musty smell of books and you look around and find that the room is filled with books, ink, paper, and pens. You look out the window and see an amazing sight. A huge dragon flying past the sun! You then turn you attention back to the room as the dragoness starts to speak.::~ Welcome to the clan's joining room. Here you can fill out some information about yourself and why you want to join our clan, if you'd like to join us. Please sit.~:: The girl hands you a piece of parchment paper, a quill, and some ink.::~


To join this clan you must first fill out the form below and send it to us at the email address listed at the bottom of the page. (Please copy and paste it into your mail then fill it out) We will then review your application and send you an email back with more information. Please be paient it may take up to a week to get things sorted out. Thank you and good luck!

Moondragon Clan Information Form

Note: Please fill this out with info on your Character ONLY! Include you email address though. We will ask you for any other personal info upon acception into the clan.



Creature type:


Reason for Joining:

How did you hear about our clan?:

valid email address:

Send the form to: